
1:00 PM -- Homework, and how!

Just got out of Economics. (Well, technically I just got out of economics, just ate lunch, and just got done with a round of old-school Pac-Man) It has taken Chemistry's place as what I consider the most Godawfully boring class in existance. (But at least I understand this) But, no time to lament about it now, I've gotta get home. Time to study for math modelling so I have a chance of passing.

2:48 PM -- FedEx delivers Groundhog Day-in-a-game

There go MY chances of studying... Just got the Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. Time to see how cracked Nintendo's development crew is THIS time around...

QUOTE OF THE DAY! "Pokemon is just another example of people blindly rushing out to buy things from Japan simply by virtue of the fact that it's from Japan. Now, excuse me, I've gotta run out and pick up Ocarina of Time." -Captain Spam

1:00 PM -- Homework, and how!

Just got out of Economics. Realized I spent the entire night playing Majora's Mask. Today seems vaguely familiar to me, but I can't seem to put my finger on it.