Blodpølse (Blood sausage) is a traditional Danish sausage that makes people who haven't tasted it wince. Regardless of your vampiristic tendencies, it's quite recommendable. While obligatory at the alcohol-laden julefrokosts, it is not tightly tied to the season and can be eaten anytime.

Recipe A:

Stir all the ingredients in a big bowl, then pour it in tins. Bake the tins for 90 minutes in a flat tin filled with water at 200°C (turn down to 150 after the first twenty minutes or after the water boils).

Recipe B:

Peel the potatoes, then shred them. Mix in the blood, then the flour and the salt. Dice the meat and stir it in. As the mix is somewhat homogenous, pour it in plasticbags (or better yet, real sausage-skins if you can procure them) and boil them in a pot for ca. 2 hours.

Serving: Heat the blodpølse on a pan and add a scoop of apple sauce / mash before serving. Alternatively use syrup or sugar and cinnamon instead of the apples.

This writeup written because I just had blodpølse today (albeit a store-bought one). Yum! is that blood on your teeth?

Thanks to liveforever for being wiser than my dictionary.