I am tired.
My shoulders are sore.
My left shoulder, the one I separated a year ago, aches.
My arms and legs are covered with ugly bruises.
My right thumb is sprained.

I am nearing the end thank God of my week of intensive training in preparation for the brown belt test in kung fu. I've been going to class every day we've had class. Other days I've gone to black belt class or had one-on-one training. This morning I was training at 6 am. Tomorrow morning I go back at 6 am.

I was told that you learn a lot about your body doing an intensive. I have learned that my body hurts and gets tired. I feel ache in the little muscles. But on another, more cerebreal, level I am enjoying training every day. I enjoy class and leave feeling uplifted.

I'll be glad when it's over.
I am tired.