Some people flit and flutter. They lightly touch on others lives in a fly-by manner. They are beautiful to behold and a pleasure to listen to. In the moment they become the moment and this floats them higher. The social butterfly is not a rare creature. This species is found everyday in one's life. In fact they are in danger of over-taking society. Society tends to dote upon them, ever increasing their number and variety. They now come in all colours and forms. Some are loud and boisterous while others are gentle and loving. The social butterfly by nature can be either good or evil or a combination of both. Some like only to preen, to drain as much from life as possible, including life from other people, we call these the vampire-butterflies. Others have higher ideals and spend as much time giving as taking, these can be called the humanitarian-butterflies, or the green-butterflies. This is by no means the extent, their are many other varieties all waiting to be discovered! Get out the formaldehyde, pins, and magnifying glass, here we go...

Then there is the rest of society, the endangered-society. This group consists of the social-caterpillars and the social-cocoons. These two groups have either tried and failed to be one of the many species of social-butterfly or rather didn't bother at all. They are a quieter, more self-sufficient, less co-dependent group. The social-caterpillar either prefers to be left completely alone chewing its thoughts or else others prefer to leave he/she completely alone chewing their thoughts. Though there does tend to be some interaction with other social-caterpillars. Sometimes friendships even arise out of this but one knows that these friendships will never actually come to anything, because well, they lack the wings to leave the ground. There is still hope for the social-cocoon. The value of the social-cocooned in a dormant state is the fact that they bother no one at all. They, frankly, are invisible to the eye. This of course is a great relief to the higher-powered, more beautiful butterfly. If somethings not beautiful, why look at it? At first it seems as if the the social-cocooned are in an even greater black hole then the social caterpillar but the social-cocoon has a chance to emerge, to metamorphasize, into a winged contributor of the "true" society.