What a week! I had three exams, so I haven't been daylogging like I intended too. Sorry but passing classes comes before e2 :P My advisor was *finally* in his office today, so I have the classes I need to take last semester lined up. I still haven't decided if I should go to summer school. I don't want to, but it might help get me out of here in less than 5 years. I'd much rather go live in Seattle for the summer, and work for my uncle. The pay's pretty good, but the fringe benefits are excellent (free room, free beer, DSL line, etc). Decisions decisions...

But enough of worrying and work, Thursday is the start of the weekend here, and it's $1 margarita night at Los Chicos. I finally found the testicular fortitude to call that girl I met last weekend, but she wasn't home. All that agonizing for nothing...