The issue with Brian Michael Bendis'—

There's an issue?


An issue with Bendis?

Yes, with Bendis.

The cartoon writer, Bendis?

Yeah, that's what I said, Bendis. The issue with his writing is

With his writing?


Bendis' writing?

Right, his dialogue writing. The issue with it is that it isn't actually good.

You don't like his dialogue?

I don't like it.

Bendis' dialogue? You don't like it? But they said it was good?

Who said it was good?

The other noders.

They said Bendis' dialogue was good?

Yeah, they said it was good.

Well, they were wrong, okay, because Bendis' soi-disant naturalism is just a stunted mess of repetition.

You can't use that many words in this node without being interrupted, that's cheating.

Cheating? It's cheating?

Yes, cheating.



(O ye of little faith)