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Species:       Human
Sex:           Male

Class:         Foot
Type:          Bounty Hunter

All his lines: "What if he doesn't survive? He's worth a lot to me."
               "As you wish."
               "He's no good to me dead."
               "Put Captain Solo in the cargo hold."
               "What the?! Ahhhhhhh!"

Affiliation:   Free-lance (Bounty Hunter)

Boba Fett is the most fearsome, notorious and mysterious bounty hunter in the Galaxy. Quite a lot of tales have arisen over the years passed, yet very few facts are know about the man known as Boba Fett, and his link to Han Solo. A long long time ago, the man now known simply as Boba Fett, was known asJourneyman Protector Jaster Mareel. However, things changed when the ugly protector killed another protector. Although the dead subject at hand was corrupt and a disgrace to his uniform, Fett, or Mareel, was imprisoned for murder. He was later exiled and stripped of all property. It is not known how Mareel aquired the name of Boba Fett or the ancient Mandalorian battle armor.

After the Battle of Hoth, Darth Vader wanted to capture the fugitives inside the rebel craft known as the Millenium Falcon. He hired a "motley assortment" of bounty hunters, including Fett. Some time later, Fett managed to track down the Falcon from the ice planet Hoth to Bespin and recieved his bounty, and a carbonited version of Han Solo -- which he later sold off to Jabba the Hutt.

However, the prisoners tried to escape, and as a subsequent result they were to be placed in the "Great Pit of Carkoon", where a creature only known as The Sarlacc lived. Luke Skywalker, a young Jedi then rescued his friend from the Sarlacc, and Boba Fett was thrown out into the pit, where his death may have occured. However, the mythical Fett is reported to be alive and well and onto Solo's trail by some undisclosed news source, but nothing is comfirmed as of yet.

 "I thought nobody had ever gotten out of that thing...!"

 "They all tried the obvious way out. I didn't.
  They all went for the opening; I made an exit."

 -- Dark Empire, © Dark Horse Comics

Helmet:        Macrobinocular View plate with infrared scanner
              >Integrated motion and sound sensor system
              >Internal Comlink
              >Fire control Battle Computer
              >Environmental Filter System
              >Broad-Band Antenna
              >External Targeting Rangefinder

His helmet is the helmet of the Mandalorians, which he adapted. It has a filter system that protects against hazards such as gases and other chemicals, as well as a panoranic viewplate (or a "macrobinocular viewplate") and a broadband antenna similar to those of the infamous stormtroopers. In addition to that, the antenna registers targets in a targeting system, which allows him to keep track of and prioritize up to 30 targets in a builtin computer.

Armour:        Four layer Mandalorian armor suit;
              >1. DuraPlast Blast Plates
              >2. Power Armor Liner
              >3. Reinforced Armor Mesh Battle Suit
              >4. "Smart" Armor

In the front are the DuraPlast blast plates, which hinders and deflects impact. In the shirt is the power armor liner, which basically are two ceramic plates which disperses physical and blast impacts and reduces injuries as well as add protection from fire, cold and other hazards. A mesh is beneath the power armor liner to provide an intact suit. There are also a number of utility pouches on a belt, and side.

 "I bow to no one and I give service only for cause".
 "There is no greater good than Justice."

 -- Tales of The Bounty Hunters, © Dark Horse Comics

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(Above) -- Boba Fett's shoulder tattoo. Limp Bizkit's Fred Durst supposedly has one on his lower arm.

Weapons:       BlasTech® EE-3 Rifle with Electronic scope
              >Czerka ZX Miniature Flame Projector
              >Kelvarek Consolidated Arms MM9 Mini Concussion Rocket
              >BlasTech® DUR-24 wrist lasers
              >Knee-Pad Rocket Dart Launchers
              >Spike Boots
The BlasTech® EE-3 is a formidable blaster and serves Fett well, but when you are supposed to be a walking arsenal you have to do a little better than that. For example, the Czerka ZX flamethrower mounted to top of his left wrist/arm is indeed useful, as well as dart lauchers in his kneepads. Fett has a mini concussion rocket launcher mounted by the side of in flamethrower in the gauntlet, BlasTech® wrist lasers, and spike boots for better grip and/or kicks. He carries type 12A concussion rockets, and 12B stun rockets. A magnetic accelerator fires the rockets up to 25m (~75ft).

Special:      >Fibercord Whip with Grappling Device
              >Mitrinomon Jet-Pack and thrusters
              >Shin Tools
The jet-pack allows Fett to soar up to 100m (~300ft) high or 70m (~210ft) sideways at a speed of 145 km/h (~90 mi/h). The thrusters which are located at each side of the jet-pack are controlled by a hand-mechanism that ensures great maneuverability. The fibercord whip and grappling hook are just above and behind his helmet and the max lenght of cord is 100m (~300ft). The grappling system can be replaced by an anti vehicle homing concussion missile.

Vehicles:     Slave I
             >Slave II*
Boba Fett's ship is the Slave I, which has an ion cannon, twin blaster cannons and a concussion missile launcher.

Source: misc starwars sites, including the official.
The Boba Fett ASCII was made by pebz. The tattoo was a gif from the Boba Fett fanclub, acsiizified.
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