The fall of Czar Nicholas II and rise of the communist party is usually referred to as the Russian Revolution or the Bolshevik Revolution, however, there were several distinct revolutionary events that actually took place.

Russian Revolution of 1905: Workers went on strike after the Czar's troops slaughtered a crowd of workers (led by a priest) marching to petition the Czar (known as "Bloody Sunday"). The striking workers wrung out concessions from the Czar in the form of an elected assembly (the Duma).

Russian February Revolution of 1917: Workers went on strike, soldiers refused to disperse them. The Czar disbanded the Duma, but the Duma refused, and insurgents took over the capital, forcing the Czar to abdicate, and putting in place a provisional government led by the Duma and Aleksandr Kerensky.

Russian October Revolution of 1917: Russian Bolsheviks, led by Lenin and backed by Germany, staged a coup d'etat, engineered by Leon Trotsky.

Russian Civil War of 1918-20: The Communists (Reds) fought against a loose coalition of anti-communists (Whites). The reds won, but Russia was left ruined by the aftermath.