Contrary to what the rest the nodes say, the llama is an evil beast, which will quite happily do its very worst to you. Still used as beasts of burden, they will spit an ungodly goo at you at the slightest provocation, ie just standing there. Pronounced 'yama' in their native countries, Websters gets it right when it say 'supposed to be domesticated'.

While true for some llamas, it does not hold for all. A well trained llama will not spit at you, as it is normally reserved for settling disputes amongst llamas themselves. Even the llamas do not like it, and will often give plenty of warning before spitting - ears down, going to ears flat on the head, to raising their snouts into the air, to even giving a warning shot across the bows (using just saliva). If the perpatrator does not take heed then the 'true spit' is used. A vile green substance regurgitated from one of the beasts stomachs, which stinks. It can be fired upto 15 feet. The llamas find this as minging as we do, and often seem to try to breathe through their mouths after either spitting, or being hit.