Gentlemen, you are missing the point.

"Luddite", as it is now understood, means someone who is against technology. However, Ned Ludd, and his early followers, were not against technology itself, but the uses it was being put to.

The Luddite argument is against using technology to put people out of work, and as an excuse to pay the people you do hire less than a man can live on. The Luddite movement in England in the early 1800s was right on the tail of an act that allowed landowners to toss tenant farmers off the land with no notice. This left some 30% or 40% of the English population with no means of feeding or sheltering themselves. So, like displaced people tend to do, they moved to the cities to take factory jobs. This influx of workers meant that wages could be lowered because people wouldn't complain as long as they were getting something. There was also an insanely high turnover rate as factory owners would fire anyone who was sick or slow because there were a hundred other people waiting to take his place.

This is the environment in which the Luddites came into being. Breaking the factory machines was not a strike against the machines, but against the purses of the factory owners. If the owners lost enough money, the theory went, they would listen to the needs of the peasants, who were starving.

Instead, Parlaiment responded with the Frame Breaking Bill of 1812, which passed, despite the protestations of Lord Byron. The thinking there was, "Well, if we can't shut you up, we'll just kill you. Hundred more where those peasants came from, not to mention the Irish."

Despite all this, eventually labour laws became reasonable in England; sometime in the 1830's, if I'm not mistaken, and the Luddites faded into near oblivion for more than a century. Well, until some horse's ass decided it was an anti-technology movement, and used the Luddite name to back his own fears of new things.

It should also be mentioned that the original stocking frame, supposedly trashed by Ned, himself, was not a new invention. It was a version of a frame invented in the 1500s by a priest, for his girlfriend who never had time for him because she was knitting. More on this later when I've remembered the guy's name.