Two words: Subtlety and tact.

I am at the house of a friend whose last name happens to be Boatti. This is pronounced, "Bo-Ahtee," by the way. So Mr. Boatti (well, actually it's his father, but whatev) gets a call from one of the aforementioned telemarketers. He decides to let me handle him.

Him:Hello, Mr. Boatti (pronounced "boat-ee"), I'm from (insert cable/internet company name here), and I just wanted to let you know that we're currently offering a super one-time deal on cable modem internet access, with... (goes on for some time)
Me:I see... That sounds very interesting. I just have one more question: what race is the baby?
Him:.... I'm sorry, sir?
Me: The baby. I mean, I'm assuming that it comes with one... I was hoping for an Asian male, or perhaps West European... Though I understand that a healthy African-American female will fetch quite a nice price on the black market. How flexible is your baby plan?
Him:(long pause} You have a nice day, sir.
Me: You too, now.

And I always thought a telemarketer would get fired if they hung up first.