I am tired. It’s been a while since I last logged on and shared my pointless drivel with the rest of the E2 world, but I must admit, even though my mind was occupied by work, life, love and beer, I did miss the seemingly endless staccato tapping of my calloused fingers on these slightly grubby plastic keys.

My lady-friend has abandoned me and gone to London with her family, so aside from excessive masturbation, the only other things I have to occupy my time is writing and drinking. My liver is already on its way out and my hands are calloused enough as it is, so here I am.

It is bloody warm here, around 30 degrees (Centigrade).

I don’t really have much to say aside from ‘Hello, how are you doing?’

I trust this finds you in good health, yours with only the most grudging respect,
