This date is logged in my memory as the day, I lost my faith in strangers.

Being mugged and hit several times in the head with a bottle is not some of the stuff that I'll put on the positive list of the 28th of May, 2000.

Anyway, I didn't loose much. A Nokia 3210 and the keys for my home/office. However, as I have got some friends not too far from the scene of crime, I went to his place from where we called the police. This procedure btw only needed, as the cars, I tried to stop were apparently more interested in themselves than helping a guy bleeding like shit out of his head screaming: "Aidez moi!".

Things went good from there. The police took us to the nearest hospital, where my bleeding was stopped and I got sewed with three stitches. I realized at that time that my clothes were soaked in blood. I guess that I've lost about half a litre.

Was there again this morning to have a small check up. Total cost: 280 CHF. Reimbursed 100% by our insurance (I hope).

Violence sucks. Jardin Anglais in Genève at night sucks.

And to whoever downvoted me for the first time I decided that an experience in my life was worth sharing: Fuck you.