Trough urinal is a type of urinal that is a single fixture much longer than a regular urinal to accommodate for multiple users. They are usually made out of stainless steel or porcelain. There are two types of trough urinals: floor-length and the ones that are hung on the wall. There is a drain in the bottom of the trough urinal where the waste goes into. Most trough urinals have some sort of flushing system, usually operated by a button. Some trough urinals have a motion sensor that actives the flushing so that water is constantly flowing down the back wall of the trough when someone is close to it.

Trough urinals save space in small male restrooms but the downside is the lack of privacy. There are no barriers between the users and one might have to urinate standing right next to another man at a busy trough urinal. It can be really awkward and men with paruresis often have troubles with urinating at a trough. There is also a risk of splashback with these types of fixtures and the splashback isn't necessarily even your own...