A small gaming shop in Fair Lawn, NJ, Game Master is yet another place in which my merry band of fuckups will be found from time to time. The number of people varies depending on the day of the week and time of day, and the most populous times seem to be Wednesday and Friday evenings, and Saturday afternoon. The main activity of those present is usually Magic: the Gathering, although some come around to play D&D or MageKnight, and at any given time there's usually at least one group of people playing some more obscure game like Icehouse or Give Me the Brain that inspires random people in the store to inquire as to the game being played and what the point is.

Just like any other group of gamers, Game Master inhabitants derive their nutrition mainly from pizza and Chinese food, although McDonald's or other forms of fast food and take-out aren't unheard of.

While the store owners attempt once in a while to impose some kind of minimum purchase to stay around and use their tables, most of the time, storegoers are under no obligation to buy anything. This assures that a decent number of people will be around, but the three aforementioned times still draw the biggest crowds.