Been a long time...

I guess you could say I have been on vacation. I have not been doing very much at all. I had to have my appendix taken out. The pain I experienced prior to my surgery was insane. It felt as if my soul was being sucked out of my belly button. NOT FUN. Needless to say, I was under the weather for quite some time. See it turns out that my appendix had ruptured. When an inflamed appendix ruptures the toxic contents of it spill out into the body, causing peritonitis. Peritonitis is a potentially life-threatening infection.

At first, I thought I might have had food poisoning from the local McDonald's. But after vomiting for eight hours with no relief, I decided I had better go to the emergency room. By the time my father drove me to the city I was sweating profusely. In fact, I was beginning to hallucinate. I was delirious. The pain was incredible.

The doctors immediately stuck an IV in my arm and told me I needed this surgery now. I didn't really have a choice, I could have died. The surgeon told me that the operation would take roughly forty minutes, but with my ruptured appendix it could take much longer. I really could have cared less about how long it takes. I just wanted the damn thing out. They strapped me down and put me under. When I woke up two hours had passed. Since my appendix had pretty much exploded the doctors had to clean up a lot of garbage that was floating around in my digestive system.

Sounds like a happy ending right? Wrong! Since the company I used to work for moved to Mexico I have no real source of income. and no health insurance. The bill was well over ten-thousand dollars. And I have no money to pay for it. I have applied for federal aid (Medicaid), but with all the Medicaid cuts that President George W. Bush is making, I will probably be denied. Sucks to be me! You cannot put a price on your life.