Some of us remember CNN's coverage of the Gulf War. Show after show saying how superior the armed forces of the U.S. were. Endless talk of the smart bombs. Weapons so advanced that no American soldier need risk his life but can safely hydrogen bomb. Reports of the Patriot missiles and how they saved so many lives and intercepted so many Iraqi SCUDs. Of course, the smart bombs were (and are) nothing more than DoD propaganda fiction, Patriot missiles had more misfires than actual intercepts, but CNN never admitted this. How many "liberal" commentators were present during that coverage to question the accuracy of the information or the motives of the people giving it? Zero.

Let's also remember the Lewinsky mess. Endless -- ENDLESS -- coverage of the President's most sickening sex habits, his philandering, his blatant lies, and all other manner of filth. CNN harped continually on all this.

What about the WTO riots in Seattle? Did they ask anyone WHY these people were protesting and willing to die for their beliefs? Were they depicted as concerned citizens? No.

How about the 2000 election? Did they fight George W. Bush's takeover tooth and nail? Did they cast constant doubt on his legitimacy? Did they condemn his policies as the shortsighted ramblings of a backwoods hick?

And these very days -- are they saying anything about the $15 billion airline buyout that has yet to restore one laid-off worker's job? How about the Patriot Act of 2001, or the DMCA, both of which piss all over civil liberties to an extent unimagined even by Nixon?

I am not a liberal. Liberals sicken me. Conservatives also sicken me. Don't call me a liberal. But what really sickens me is pretension. As Jet-Poop says, the bias of the Fox News Channel is not a bad thing, right to popular speech and all, but to hear people parrot the bullshit of their favorite media Mongols is enough to make me rant incessantly.