Okay, it's been a busy month, what with Christmas and teenagers invading the house for summer holidays and all, and most of the things I've killed since my last logs have been one line E1 transfers (a lot of those). The other stuff is listed below:

  • Why are there Black Vulcans? by knarph. Uninformative, pointless, and possibly slanderous.
  • pull the other one text: ...sahib, this one has bells on it and this one has bells on it text: ...so pull the other one, sahib by Geez since the saying is, "pull the other one, it's got bells on" it's inaccurate, and 2 wu's for one sentence seemed excessive. Certainly wasn't adding anything.
  • vivarin by just a guy. One liner, no links
  • In conjunction with knifegirl cleared dmds write-ups of Nightsong material. Copyright holder stated that permission to node the material had not been given.
