I am so happy! I got a new pair of shoes yesterday, black suede only $30. I love them. There's a school dance tomorrow night, I might go. Who am I kidding? Of course I'll go, I love those things. The thumping speakers, the free food, the girls, the free food, the getting a friend to clear the floor so I can amaze everybody by busting my ass going wild dancing and just not caring about anything, oh and did I mention the free food? There's a funny thing about these dances, all the "cool" guys just sit on the side looking bored and talking about how much it sucks. While me and my nerdy friends are out on the floor dancing with the girls and having a great time. I hope they don't give away those plastic hawaiian leis this time, last year I ended up wearing 72. They were on my neck my legs my arms, everywhere! I had to cut them off before I could sleep that night. Light sticks would be fun though. The only problem with it is the music, it's all tasteless garbage with mindless beats and meaningless lyrics. But it's still a whole lot of fun. After the dance my friend Nick is sleeping over my house it will be awesome!