The newest (as of March 2002) album of the electronic music composer Paul Lansky.

Track List

  1. Idle Chatter Junior (10:37)
  2. Ride (19:03)
  3. Looking Back (3:33)
  4. Heavy Set (14:13)
  5. Dancetracks: Remix (16:37)
Total Time: (64:03)

None of the tracks have any lyrics. The front of the CD booklet is a false colour photograph of cars travelling along a highway. The back of the CD booklet has an inverted colour photo of the composer.

Idle Chatter Junior (1999) is related to Lansky's three previous chatter pieces featured on his 1994 album, More Than Idle Chatter, and is an attempt to see what differences better hardware and new techniques make on a subsequent composition of the same kind.

The title track, Ride (2000), has its roots based on a previous piece, Night Traffic, but this time Lansky has taken the recording of passing traffic and turned it into a 'ride' through different places. Garbled human speech is interspersed at some points throughout the composition.

Looking Back (1996) is a floaty, edited rendition of Paul Lansky singing the song of one of his old schools (the High School of Music and Art), set to a "foggy processing" of Brahm's 1st Symphony.

Heavy Set (1998) is a composition featuring a single piano, with ambient sound effects. The idea behind it? An improvising pianist, playing as he tries to fit in different compositional devices, playing loud, high, soft, low. Note that Lansky actually wrote the main structure of the piece; the computer just helped with filling in the details.

The final track, Dancetracks: Remix (1997) is a reworking of a previous collaboration bewteen Lansky and a colleague of his, Steve Mackey, who recorded the original on his CD Lost and Found. He then took this original, split up Mackey's guitar part, took out his synthesised drum track, and added a new one. Hence the 'Remix' qualifier.