I would like to follow up to some previous comments on palefaces (white humans)with dreadlocked hair. Using the techniques of teasing and backcombing, it is possible to kneed and knot the hair into dreads without utilizing chemicals or wax.

In order to dread the hair, one must have a dedicated assistant, for it takes quite a lot of time and effort. My girl separated the hair into a number of sections, using rubber bands, and then pushed the comb towards my scalp in short rapid motions. After a dozen motions or so, she'd take half the loose hair of the dread in one hand, and half in the other and tug them in opposite directions. This, I suppose, brought the knots tight with past sections, building the dread like a tower.

My hair continues to dread as it grows, despite my not possessing curled hair. Aside from toying with them I do nothing to maintain them. I hear it is good to roll them individually between open palms. One final notable is that the dreads have rendered shampoo ineffective. However, barsoap cleans the sweat nicely.