Here's the solution that I use the most:

I will see if avant-garde jazz pianist already exists as a node. Most of the time, that specific wording isn't a node, but let's say, there is write-up for avant-garde jazz. I would hardlink to that. The bigger the idea that it encompasses, the more likely someone who clicks on it will be interested as well.

Don't forget to friggin softlink!@#

Okay so the hardlink problem is solved. It links to the node that will have the most relevant information. What if I want to know what the hell avant-garde is? I'd have to type it in the search box and try to find the correct spelling, and after all of that it might not be the node I even want!

Take the time to go through your nodes, and softlink pertinent information. A well-written (including linking) write-up only improves E2.