Sequoia trees are the largest living trees in the world, but not the tallest. They can grow up to 300 ft. tall and the trunk can be 40 ft. in diameter. It can weigh up to 2.7 million pounds and can live up to 3,200 years.

Sequoia trees are also called Sierra Redwood and Big Tree. The scientific name is Sequoiadendron giganteum.

Sequoia trees are mostly found on the west slope in the Sierra Nevada in California. It is one of the fastest growing trees because of the ideal growing conditions: mild winters and dry, hot summers. The bark can be 2 ft. thick and is its main defense against fires and insect invasions. Sequoia trees are not good for logging because of their size.

The famous drive-through tree is also a sequoia. The tree is no longer up because it was weakened from the huge hole in it and paving over fragile roots. The sequoia tree is a miraculous tree that does not require a lot of maintenance.