“The Eagle Has Fallen . . .”

the eagle has fallen
the eagle has fallen

its broken body
lays at my feet
as my glassy eyes
swell with tears
for the land I no longer know

once, beauty abounded
and a word whispered through the alleys


once people meandered the winding walks
with smiles but now
all is silent
all is gone
buildings crumble
people decay
darkness rules

the eagle has fallen
the eagle has fallen

and so have I
for once
- long ago -
I ruled this land
the controls were in my hands
once . . .
and all went world
in my world
all went well . . .

but soon a monster
slithered in
creeping in through minute crevices
a monster known as reality
and the brightness
the wonder
began to fade.

the eagle has fallen
the eagle has fallen

from the skies overhead
where once he soared
always seen
the final touch to a work of art

but now
his tattered feathers
his torn body
erst among the ruins
yet another victim

the eagle has fallen
the eagle has fallen

and I
unable to bare the horror
turn away from these sights
damp cheeks cold in desolation
I walk away
from what once was so beautiful
from what once I called home

the eagle has fallen
the eagle has fallen

and upon waking his image
still haunts me

I lift my head from dampened pillow
afraid to face
the darkness of reality
knowing that my only solace is gone

the eagle has fallen
the eagle has fallen
he shall fly no more

and nor shall I.

-- Copyright Dan Alcalde, 1997

See Also:
The Eagle Sheds A Tear
The Eagle Sits Alone