Enough (2002)

Directed by:
Michael Apted
Written by:
Nicholas Kazan
Drama / Thriller / Action
115 min
Information above stolen from the imdb

Slim is a young mother whose perfect husband turn out to a wife beating jackass. So she runs away from him with her daughter, but of course no self-respecting wifebeater would ever let his bitch run away. Unaware that there are facilities for people in her situation, Slim decides to take the bull by the horns and do her own dirty work: kill the bastard!

The plot of the movie Enough can be summarized quite rapidly by anyone, but even more so when equating it with your average Dragonball Z plot: Goku - sorry, J-Lo - gets beaten up, retreats to strenghten up, then returns to severely beat up her enemy. The main difference lies in the lack of repetition in Enough's case; of course, that's assuming they're not making a sequel already.

You know it's a good movie when the best quote goes like this: You have a divine animal right to protect the lives of you and your offspring.