I woke up this morning to the sound of one of my best friends on the phone with another friend of ours, making plans to go to breakfast. It was 11am. I didn't go to bed until 7. Needless to say, I wasn't very hungry but I was cranky enough for everybody at the table.

After breakfast, we went back to his house and I feel back asleep again, woke up, moved to a bed, feel asleep again. Woke up, stumbled into the computer room, stumbled back into bed and feel asleep again. i woke up about 6:30 this evening.

Then I went home, made dinner, talked with my siblings for a bit on the phone, and spent quality time with my dog. Pretty easy day. I'm trying to make them all similar to this one.

3 days til surgery

11 hours til my Russian oral quiz that I'm totally unprepared for

43 minutes before I start to cram for the same exam