American Protective Association, popularly known as the "A. P. A.," a secret order organized throughout the United States, with branches in Canada, which has attracted much attention by its aggressive platform and active agitation. Its chief doctrine, as announced in its declaration of principle, is that "subjection to and support of any ecclesiastical power not created and controlled by American citizens, and which claims equal, if not greater, sovereignty than the Government of the United States of America, is irreconcilable with American citizenship;" and it accordingly opposes "the holding of offices in National, State, or Municipal Government by any subject or supporter of such ecclesiastical power." Another of its cardinal purposes is to prevent all public encouragement and support of sectarian schools. It does not constitute a separate political party, but seeks to controle xisting parties, and to elect friendly and defeat objectionable candidates, by the concerned action of citizens affiliated with all parties. The order was founded March 13, 1887, and claims a membership of about 2,000,000.

Entry from Everybody's Cyclopedia, 1912.