I found it regrettable there was so much unfounded information on this page.

First, the genus Philodendron contains approximately 1000 species. ALL are rain forest plants. Some prefer less water but there aren't any that prefer "little watering". The majority receive 8 months of rain on a daily basis every year. There are such species as Philodendron bipinnatifidum from Brazil that can survive on little water but that isn't the norm. The reason people "think" their plants don't like water is they plant them is the "mud" sold in stores as house plant soil and the plant's rooms can't move around and breathe. The species need a very porous soil that freely breathes.

Just a few posts later another grower talks about growing P. scandens which is correctly Philodendron hederaceum in an aquarium. Both can't be true! Ether the genus likes water or it doesn't. The truth is the genus is loves water but it needs to drain quickly.

The world of tropical plant growing as well as the internet is filled with myths. People believe what a friend tells them and pass it along as truth when it is nothing but fiction.

The "Split Leaf" Philodendron mentioned above appears to be Monstera delicosa rather than Philodendron selloum which is correctly known as Philodendron bipinnatifidum. Philodendron selloum does not produce a fruit as does Monstera deliciosa. That problems appears to come from the use of the same common name for both species.

This link may help: http://www.exoticrainforest.com/Grow%20or%20Growing%20Philodendrons.html

If you go to the homepage of the site you'll see a photo of some very large Philodenron climbing a post. Those plants are watered 10 minutes per day, four days per week, often twice daily during the heat of the year. Please don't just believe anything you read! It may well be a myth!!!
