Plattdeutsch is a German dialect spoken in the northwestern areas of Germany above the so-called Benrather Linie, and in some areas of the northeastern Netherlands. Plattdeutsch is also know by the names of
  • Platt Deutsch
  • Plattdüütsch
  • Plattdütsch
  • Plattdiestsch
  • Plattduits
  • Nedersacksisch
  • Twents
  • Groningens (after the town of Groningen, The Netherlands)

Today's modern Dutch, however close a relative, is not based on the Saxon dialect of Plattdeutsch, but instead on the Franconian dialect.

Where as other Germanic languages changed with the althochdeutsche Lautverschiebung ( High German Sound Shift), Platt Deutsch did not. Even as late as the eighth centaury, Anglo-Saxon missonaries could make themselves understood in the area they called Ealdsexanan (Old Saxony, as they called it) without much difficulty.