It probably needs to be pointed out that this philosophy is frighteningly close to "Arbeit Macht Frei", or "work will make you free," a phrase above the gates of Auschwitz, and other scary Nazi places.

But context is everything.

For the sake of argument, let's pretend that someone says this in a non-fascist context. (I mean, you always need to consider the source: let's pretend that the source of this phrase is someone we know and like, and not some boot-stompin' Schnell-sayin' Nazi.)

Perhaps, in this context, worship is considered to be, like food, something necessary, but not something to get completely obsesso over. In that case, we're not beating our kids, neglecting 'em, or losing our minds over it. Worship is sometimes anathema to a technocentric culture (such as is found on the Internet in general, and Everthing in particular).

We forget sometimes that worship, for some folks, is possibly a healthy, sane thing to do.

Just a thought.

On the other hand, "work is worship"might be said completely sarcastically, contrasting something totally pragmatic (work) with something dogmatic (worship.)

How many angels can fit on the head of a pin?