I long for lost loves
I pine for faded romance
(an addict, some may dare to call me)
Because, my dear, that bittersweetness
When I see her again
And we reconnect, somehow
(conversations over coffee, discourse over dinner, broodings over breakfast)
On exactly thirty more levels than last time
And I'm viscerally aware that it only works
Because we did the time apart


All of it is worth the waiting
And the losing
And the loneliness

And then you want to wait a bit, because that's just how it goes

Embracing, weeping, shirtless on your bathroom floor
I couldn't tell if the steam rising from our shoulders was still just plain wet water.
And maybe it was just me
But it seemed as though the mist was an inverted aurora borealis
Like pale warm flames twisting through the air.
I wanted to study them, like a scientist
on an icebreaker ship
smashing through your frozen paths
and spending Arctic night
in the company of your magnificence.

Don't wait too long, make sure you get while the gettin's good