Now that Burns Night is drawing near, I felt like I should node some of the poems of his. This one is from the Merry Muses of Caledonia collection; vocabulary follows.

"Come rede me, dame, come tell me, dame,
"My dame come tell me truly,
"What length o' graith, when weel ca'd hame,
"Will sair a woman duly?"
The carlin clew her wanton tail,
Her wanton tail sae ready -
I learn'd a sang in Annandale,
Nine inch will please a lady.

But for a koontrie cunt like mine,
In sooth we're nae sae gentle;
We'll tak tway thumb-bread to the nine,
And that's a sonsy pintle:
O Leeze me on my charlie lad,
I'll ne'er forget my Charlie!
Tway roarin handfu's and a daud,
He nidge't it in fu' rarely.

But weary fa' the laithron doup,
And may it ne'er be thrivin!
It's no the length that maks me loup,
But it's the double drivin.
Come nidge me, Tam, come nudge me, Tam,
Come nidge me o'er the nyvel!
Come lowse and lug your battering ram,
And thrash him at the gyvel!

rede: advise
graith: gear, one's member
ca'd: driven
sair: serve
carlin: old woman
koontrie: country
tway: two
thumb-bread: thumb-breadths
sonsy: jolly, fair
pintle: prick
leeze me: how I love
daud: hunk
nidge't: thrust
weary fa': damn
laithron: lazy
doup: ass
loup: jump
lowse: loosen
lug: pull
gyvel: gable