I've spent the past nine hours reading bland American history and reviewing physics for my two exams tomorrow, but I don't think I've absorbed any of it. I can't stop thinking about my recent ex-SO, and the fact that I've actually SEEN her a few times in the past two days doesn't help (we live in the same building, but she rarely leaves her room - sightings are uncommon).

I fear failing my history test. During Friday's lecture, my teacher discussed "they" and "them" for a full 40 minutes without specifying who they and them were. Some girl finally piped up... "Miss? None of us knows who the hell you're talking about." I nearly died from laughter. She said she was talking about the Populists, most people thought she was discussing Andrew Johnson. Needless to say, much confusion was cleared up - though not enough, that's a mild mistake compared to her usual lectures. I have read all there is to read, yet I still don't feel prepared.

Odds are, I'll fail the physics test too, but since that seems to be the thought of most everyone in the class, I'm not too worried (bell curve! WHEEE!).

On a slightly brighter note, UTD (the University of Texas at Dallas) has offered to pay my way fully from now through grad school (I'll be a junior at the end of this year) plus a few grand spending cash yearly. I can't really pass that up, unless I get accepted by MIT, then I don't know what I'll do. All that, and all I can think about is how much it will suck, because she won't be there...

This won't be the first time I've been alone on Valentine's day (Hallmark Holiday #1 I believe), but it's the first time that I don't understand why I will be...