The Red Green Show is mostly short talking sketches with two characters - Red Green and his nephew Harold. Both wear nothing but red and green plaid shirts and spend most all of their lives at Possum Lodge. Red has his own handyman section of the show, appropraitely titled Handyman's Corner, in which everything is made of old stuff + duct tape to create a new item that is... well, unique to say the least (eg, clothes dryer stills).

Red's friend Bill also makes frequent appearances on the show, generally to do something stupid like try to CATCH javelins instead of throwing them. Bill is the source of much comic relief on the Red Green Show.

There are a few other random sketches (word of the day, and something along the lines of Men Anonymous) most involve duct tape or Red's friends getting hurt. Overall, this is probably the only good comedy I've seen come out of Canada, not to say that Kids In the Hall isn't good but...