A slightly sloppier, although more intuitive notion of characteristic, involves iterating a ring R's operators using its two identity elements.

We start off with a ring's additive identity 0R. We then add the ring's multiplicative identity 1R to this value. We iterate the operation over and over, always adding 1R to the previous result.

If we ever reach the ring's additive identity 0R again within a finite number of steps (call the number n), we say that the ring has characteristic n. Otherwise, the ring has characteristic 0.

Thus, the following field stolen from artermis enteri's writeup on field:

+ | 0 1     * | 0 1
--+----     --+----
0 | 0 1     0 | 0 0
1 | 1 0     1 | 0 1

has characteristic 2.