C++ has a rather restrictive version of currying, namely the function binders that come with the C++ Standard Library.

People find these unsatisfactory for various reasons, and clamor for "real" function closures directly in the language.
However, this violates a basic C++ design goal: You don't pay for what you don't use. Besides, they can be implemented
in C++; people put out entire libraries devoted to them.

So let's make a real closure in C++.  There are two ways to do it:

The following code is an example of the second method.  It has a lot of issues as to flexibility, thread-safety, and efficiency, but these can be overcome with appropriate safeguards.  That's what the existing lambda libraries do, I hope.

For the sake of clarity, we will present our "naive" version:

template <class R, class P1, class P2>
class lambda2
 typedef R (*func_t)(P1, P2);
 lambda2 (func_t ifunc, P2 ip2): func (ifunc), p2 (ip2) {}
 lambda2 (lambda2 const &ilambda): func (ilambda.func),
                                   p2   (ilambda.p2) {}
 lambda2 &operator= (lambda2<R, P1, P2> const &nlambda)
  func = nlambda.func;
  p2 = nlambda.p2;
  return *this;
 P2 bound() const { return p2; }
 lambda2 &rebind (func_t nfunc) { func=nfunc; return *this; }
 lambda2 &rebind (P2 np2) { p2 = np2; return *this; }
 // Finally, the point to all of this.
 R operator() (P1 p1) { return func (p1, p2); }
 func_t func;
 P2 p2;

The template above may look formidable, but it is the implementation of our closure.  The implementation of
closures can't be any less complex than what appears above.   The difference between C++ and the languages where closures are "built in" is that in those languages, you can't see the implementation.

This being C++, the implementation code would appear in a header you #include in your source code.

All you need to provide is a function to lambda-ize.

Given the following function

double divide (double p1, double p2)
 return p1 / p2;

You could do the following:

typedef lambda2<double,double,double> lambda2_d3;

// Down in your code:

lambda2_d3 lam (divide, 2);

cout << lam (8); // prints "4"
cout << lam (7); // prints "3.5"

(I wrote and tested this code with Borland C++ Builder 5. Borland has a version of this compiler you can download for free.)