In many operating systems, such as UNIX (and its free incarnation Linux), as well as MS-DOS and Windows, " environment" refers to a set of variables, always taking string values, that can be read or written to by a program, but are inherited by all processes the program may spawn. Think of it as a little piece of the shell that every program carries with itself.

Environment variables are best suited for values that are used once at the beginning of a program, and are ALWAYS set to one value or another. That is, a variable that is *so* frequently used that it becomes noise on a command line should be an environment variable.

Although every program has the potential to access its own environment, and make changes that will be reflected in any processes it spawns, the program best suited to setting environment variables is the operating system's shell. Each shell has its own syntax for setting them.


Bourne Shell:
export value

C Shell:
export varname=value

Any *n?x shell, for the execution of one program:
varname=value program-name program-arguments...

Programs written in high-level languages (such as C) for an operating system that uses environments usually include functions for retrieving and setting environment variables. To this end, the C Standard Library contains a getenv function and a setenv function. Also, a C program's main() function can be declared with a third formal parameter, viz.

int main (int argc, char *argv[], char **envp)

When the program is run, the shell (actually one flavor of exec()) passes a copy of the current environment into main. Each string in the list is of the form varname=value.

Many scripting languages, such as awk or Perl, have their own ways of accessing the envorionment. Every awk script has an associative array named ENVIRON. Thus, the expression


will return the indicated variable's value, and


will set a new value.