Here is a brief listing of the characters in A Clockwork Orange (more accurate to the novel, not the movie):

Alex: The hero and narrator of A Clockwork Orange. He is an extremely stubborn 15 year old with a taste for violence. He enjoys rape, brutal assault, and theft. He also has a passion for classical symphonies, his favourite being Beethoven’s Ninth. Alex is remorseless in his crimes, but dislikes sloppiness and vulgarity, which is a frequent topic of argument between he and his gang.

George: Leader of the mutiny against Alex in the gang. Despises Alex’s role of leader, wanting it for himself, he plots with the rest of the gang members to get rid of Alex, so he can be leader. Georgie is more interested in money than violence, and is killed a year after Alex’s arrest after being hit on the head during a robbery.

Dim: Dim is the stupidest member of the gang, as his name implies. He is a strong fighter with a great desire for violence. Alex is frequently annoyed by Dim’s loud voice and offensiveness. Dim is more than happy to assist Georgie in taking Alex down. He becomes a police officer at the end of the novel.

Pete: The most civil member of the gang. He is often the voice of reason during disputes between Alex and Dim. He grows up and gets an office job in insurance, and when Alex meets him and his wife in a café, he considers growing up himself.

Billyboy: Leader of the rival gang fought in part 1. Alex seems offended simply by Billyboy’s ugliness. He joins the police with Dim, to exert force on people in a more official sense.

Girls from record store: Sources state their names are Marty and Sonietta. These two girls are about 10 years old. Alex meets them in a record store and is disgusted by their lack of taste and empty minds. He takes them home and they get drunk, and he rapes them.

P. R. Deltoid: Alex’s probation officer, his goal is to keep Alex out of jail. When Alex gets arrested, Deltoid is offered an opportunity to beat Alex. He simply spits in his face.

Chaplain: Alex befriends the chaplain, and gets a job in the prison church operating the music. Alex tells the Chaplain all the things other prisoners have planned. He is an alcoholic who is strongly against Ludovico's Technique, because he believes God would rather an evil man acted evil than an evil man be forced to act good.

F. Alexander: Authour of the book (in the novel) A Clockwork Orange. Early in the story, Alex and his gang break into his house and attack and rape his wife, who dies. Alex ironically returns to his house by accident when he is released from jail, and F. Alexander sees the opportunity to use Alex as a protest against mind control by the government. Alexander betrays Alex and avenges his wife by making him jump out of a high rise building.

Dr. Brodsky and Dr. Branom: Brodsky is the doctor in charge of Ludovico's Technique. Brodsky often laughs at Alex’s misfortune. He belives Alex to be a “true Christian” after Ludovico's Technique has been applied. Branom is his assistant, who is friendly to Alex.

Alex’s Mother and Father: Alex’s parents love him, but fear him. He has been arrested several times, and they seem to have given up on them. Alex often acts innocent and tries to humour them with good behaviour. His parents seem to accept this illusion rather than admit their son is a criminal. He gives his father money to treat his mother to drinks.

Joe: The lodger that stays with Alex’s parents while Alex is in jail. He is angered at Alex’s return, and treats him with severe disrespect. Alex’s parents inform him that he cannot move in, because Joe has paid rent in advance.