Saturday, 11 January 2003

Tarot Reading for a prominent E2 denizen who wishes to remain nameless.

G'day my friend.

Shall we danse?

I'm ready when you are.

I have before me the twenty two Major Arcana cards of the Rider-Waite tarot deck. They are arranged in a single deck, in order from Zero, The Fool, to Twenty One, The World. The back of the deck is a blue and black plaid. Almost tartan. The deck sits on the polished golden oak surface of my desk. We're in my office, with lots of books and computers all around.  Keith Jarrett, Koln Concert is playing on the stereo.  Outside, the snow has all melted.   I'd like you to picture that clearly in your mind. Okay?

Do you have a question in mind?  It generally results in a significantly more powerful reading if you state the question out loud.  That said, if you want to keep it to yourself, that's okay too. 

I have a lot of questions but I'll stick to one. I'd like to keep it to myself if it's all the same.

An entirely reasonable approach.  Just get the question clear in your mind, here we go...

Handling the Cards

Now we'll handle the cards to arrange them in a way that resonates with your unique life and sheds some light on your question. Since you don't have a deck, I'll be the hands and you be the brain. Okay? This is the part where you take a glance at How to throw the tarot for ideas on Handling the Cards, then you tell me exactly what to do for awhile. Doesn't that sound like fun?

Now I'm going to deal out the cards face up into piles and you're going to tell me which pile each card goes in. Make as few or as many piles as you want. Really concentrate on the imagery, but don't stress. Don't make a "Map" or anything, just relax and free flow on the topic. Be your quirky unique self. The bruja says, "let the cards know what you feel about them and let them answer back. What "goes together?"  Also, let me know if you want any of the cards to be put in their pile "upside down."

Along the way, I'm going to explain the mythology of The Fools Journey. Okay?

<<<<<This transcript has been truncated for brevity.
To see an example of a complete reading transcript,
take a look at the first reading in Online Tarot Reading.   >>>>

The Fool, The Magician and the High Priestess, The Empress, The Emperor

Now distribute the first few cards

So, tell me where the first cards should go?  Remember, as many or as few piles.  Pile 0 is at my left.

The first card is The Fool,  Pile One obviously. 

The next is the magician Where does it go, right, left, on top of The Fool? All directions are your directions - i.e., left = your left.

Place the magician on the fool. place the high priestess to the left. place the empress to the right. place the emperor on top of the magician.

Good, So we now have three piles, 

The Fool's Journey continues...

The Hierophant, The Lovers, The Chariot 

Where do these cards go?

Turn all three of those upside down. place the heirophant on the high priestess. lovers on the empress. place the chariot on top of the lovers.

Strength, Hermit, Wheel of Fortune.

Where do these cards go?

Create a new pile for strength, above the emperor. place the hermit upside down on top of the heirophant. place the wheel of fortune on top of strength.

Justice, Hanged Man.

Where do these cards go?

Hmmm. Place Justice on top of the emporer. Place the hanged man on the hermit.

Death, Temperance, Devil, Tower 

Where do these cards go?

Ok then. Place Death on the Wheel. Temperance I'd like upside down on top of Justice. The Devil can go on top of the Hanged Man. The Tower can go on the Chariot, upside-down.

Star, Moon, Sun 

Where do these cards go?

The Star can be placed on Death. Put the Moon on top of the Devil. The Sun can go on the Tower.

Judgment, World The Fool reenters the World, but this time with a more complete understanding. He has integrated all the disparate parts of himself and achieved wholeness. He has reached a new level of happiness and fulfillment.

The Fool has experienced life as full and meaningful. The future is filled with infinite promise. In line with his personal calling, he becomes actively involved in the world. He renders service by sharing his unique gifts and talents and finds that he prospers at whatever he attempts. Because he acts from inner certainty, the whole world conspires to see that his efforts are rewarded. His accomplishments are many and his Journey has been a long and full one.. 

Now, where do those last cards go?

Judgement can go on the Star. The World can go on Temperance

Well done.  Now tell me how to assemble the piles back into a deck?  Smooch together, or carefully stacked up, your call.  Don't forget upside down if that feels right.

Ok, this'll sound kooky, but I'd like you to mess the piles up so they sort of merge into each other. Mess them about a little and smooch em back together into a deck.

Good call!.  

I have assembled the deck and placed if face down on the polished surface of my desk.  Paul Simon is playing softly, You're The One.  Outside the temperature is above freezing for the first time in days.  The sun is shining down on the almost frothy surface of Buzzards Bay.  The birdbath on the deck is thawing out. 

Ready to continue? 

I want you to quickly help me shuffle the deck again, this time face down into as many piles as you choose. Pile 0 is at my left, 2,3,4... whatever are beyond it.  Quickly now, send me 20 card positions...

Ok, I'd like you to deal them out counter-clockwise in a diamond shaped pattern. starting at twelve, to nine, to six, to three etc until you run out.

How should I reassemble the deck this time?

I like Chaos. Mess them up again and reassemble. Turn a few around while you are at it so that some end up upside-down.

Bold, chaos is the core of creativity...  The left and right piles wanted to be upside down, then... Smoochjob.  Now we're back to one deck, face down.

Complete the Handling

This is the part where I ask you if you'd like to do one last touch. It can range from a simple tap on the top of the deck, to a full on five pile upside downer kludge. Most people just cut the deck somehow. Dig really deep and let the right action come into your mind. Flow, don't flail...

I'm thinking fan the cards out into a circle and put em back together. Then tap the top card thrice.

Makes perfect sense to me.  Duly Tap, Tap, Tapped. 

The Celtic Cross Spread

There are a bunch of different patterns that Readers use, to get the cards on the table, so to speak.  Old gypsy ladies sometimes just lay them out one by one, in a row, reciting the reading as they go.  There's also a Yin & Yang spread and a Medicine Woman Circle that la bruja  prefers.  I feel most comfortable with the Celtic Cross so that's what we'll use here.

NOTE: For more info on the Celtic Cross in  How to throw the tarot

I'm turning over the first card and laying it on the table without changing it's orientation.  All cards are "face up," if they appear that way to me.

I Turn over the second card and place it over the first card horizontally, creating the "inner cross.

Starting at the bottom of the cross, closest to me, I deal cards the next four cards as follows to form the "outer cross," 

3 - bottom

4 - top

5 - left

6 - right.


To the right of the two crosses, in a vertical line starting at the bottom, I deal the last four cards, 7,8,9,10. This is the "staff."

It looks something like this: 


The Interpretation

Here's your spread. Write it down, then go get a glass of water (wine? do you drink?) The hard part is over for now and we could both use a break. 

We’ll interpret it in a minute.

Your Celtic Cross spread on 11 January 2003, 

  1. The Chariot (Reversed)
  2. The Fool
  3. The Moon
  4. Temperance
  5. The Devil (Reversed)
  6. Strength (Reversed)
  7. The Magician
  8. The Emperor
  9. The Hermit (Reversed)
  10. The Sun (Reversed)

... having regained the peaceful feeling, we continue.

Card One, the heart of the matter. This card represents the fundamental issue you are addressing.  Since it's upside down, perhaps the issue is only just beginning, or just wrapping up.  In your case, The Chariot appears to be the issue.  This card represents the daily suite of actions and responsibilities that keep our world moving forward.  Reaching a goal, being successful, achieving victory.  These things seem to be at the root of your issue today.

Any comments on that one? Comment whenever you want as I proceed.   

.Hmmmm. interesting. I'd need to see more to see how the chariot fits in.

Card Two, the opposing factor.  This is what's getting in the way at the moment.  It might also be thought of as the factor for change, or unbalancing force that is surprising you.  Your second card was The Fool, a young, silly and fairly oblivious soul.  We're thinking that someone or something like this is coming between you and your Chariot.

ahaha well the fool could be me or any number of people.

Card Three, that which is beneath you. Your gut instinct about the issue. The shifty unreliable light of The Moon represents illusion and uncertainty, perhaps even fear.  We suggest that you don't feel comfortable with this issue, or perhaps are a little given to chasing fantasies in general.

Bang on. The issue at hand *is* a little fearsome, and I feel a little out of sorts with it.

Card Four, the conscious influence.  What your head is telling you about it. Temperance, is all about balance, health, wellbeing.  We think your conscious motivations are all sound and clear.  You are drawn to experiencing harmony, avoiding excess.  Perhaps you seek compromise or cooperation with respect to this issue and you aren't getting it? 

Absolutely. It's like banging my head against a wall at this point.

Card Five, the past.  A receding behavior or influence.  The Devil is behind you, whew!  This is probably a good thing, even though The Devil is often more indicative of ignorance and bondage rather than Evil.  Because The Devils is reversed, we're hoping he's totally out the door, but might only be on the doorstep. Good riddance eh?

Hmmmm. That's reassuring indeed. But I'm thinking that like most things, the Devil will crop up again without a little diligence on the part of all parties involved.

Card Six, the future.  The emerging influence, behavior or factor.  Strength is as much about showing restraint as about moving mountains.  Having the confidence to show compassion comes to mind.  Knowing that you can endure this, and knowing that you can deal calmly with frustration and refuse to get angry.  We said adios to the ignorant Devil and aren't going there again.  Strength reversed suggests that this transition from Devil to Strength, past to near term future may be in progress rather than a done deal. No backsliding allowed!

heheh, thanks for the warning ;)

Card Seven, you, as you see yourself.  Your overall perspective on yourself and the issue at hand.  The Magician shows a youth with his wand of power help confidently above his head.  He knows how to make things happen, and is probably used to having other's expect it of him.  Action, concentration, power.  These are the tools of the Magician.  

Hmmm. That's a rather double-edged card. The idea of a magician exuding confidence and ability to make things happen, while sometimes being true, is also sometimes false. The magician cannot conjure up everything for everyone.

Indeed, in fact much of Magic is just a set of elaborate stagecraft isn't it.  Most Magicians work very very hard at their magic.

Card Eight, you, as others see you.  The Emperor represents Fathering, taking a leadership role, creating order out of chaos, setting direction and tone. We're wondering why you appear to be both the Father and the Mother in this situation?  You aren't a single mom are you?

No, I'm not a single mom, but sometimes it feels like I am because I take on the lioness's share of the responsibility. I suppose others see it more than I do, I tend to take it all in stride because that's just how things get done.

Card Nine, your guidance card.  Your clue to how best to proceed, or what you might do. The Hermit is all about introspection, calm reasoning and looking for the answer within yourself.  It can signify either getting or receiving guidance, and in the position of the guidance card, it may suggest that either a person in your life may be helpful as a counselor, or that you already have some answers inside you, waiting for The Chariot to pull over for a moment before they emerge.

Well, it couldn't be answers within, what with the Moon obscuring things... hmmm. Heh! That's the funny thing about tarot, I always get an answer that evokes more questions. Seeking guidance of others is a difficult thing for me, being that I do hold the tendency of the magician to conjure up the "everything's fine" thing. Hmmm

Card Ten, the outcome. The most likely result or outcome.  And here we find The Sun, a bright, happy, clear, warm, positive, joyous card.  The Sun shows a smiling babe astride a huge white horse, with the warm light of the sun pouring down on his back.  The Sun is associated with being enlightened, or experiencing greatness.  Your Sun is reversed, and we think that once you complete the transition from the darkness of ignorance and emerge into your period of Strength, that you'll feel the warm rays of The Sun on your shoulders.  You are going to get through this just fine, stay the course. 

The Journey never really ends does it?

So basically, just keep doing what I am doing. Keep breathing. It'll be alright. That's good.


We're also thinking that you've got some work to do here.  Seek that Hermit guide actively, don't slip back into the bondage and ignorance of the Devil thang.  Use your Strength and Temperance to drive that Chariot.  Remember that The Fool crossing you up is a lovable idiot, who may be in your way through absent mindedness rather than conscious intent.

Does it address your question in any meaningful way?  We can use more cards from your deck to elaborate on any card in the spread if you'd like...

Bah, I'm the one doing all the working here. It's a matter of getting others involved to cooperate. I am at an impasse in some ways... Hmmm.

Let's elaborate on one of the cards that may provide some deeper answers...  The Guide?  Which part doesn't seem to fit in?  Which card deserves a deeper look?

If you could, and if you aren't tired already, expand on card 6 please. And yes, it addressed my situation quite well, in fact, but also leaves something tugging at my brain like something obvious here is being missed. Meh. Time will tell.

Card six, Strength, reversed, and thus disabled.  Something standing between you and your use of your Strength.  The next card on the deck is laid on top of Strength, and it is The Hanged Man.  The "Stuckedness" card.  That smiling Fool is suspended upside down with his legs comfortably crossed and a golden halo surrounding his head.  He's stuck, and perhaps he's keeping you stuck, but he isn't the slightest bit concerned about it.  The Hanged Man suggests, letting go, surrendering to the situation, giving up control or perhaps even doing an about face.  Maybe your own rethinking the position you've taken on this issue will release your Strength?  Perhaps even being a bit of a martyr just to get this thing behind you?

More, or are we there?

Ahhhhh. That makes more sense. And is painfully true. Thank you.  You did an excellent job, especially considering you went into it rather blind not knowing the question at hand.

As you wish my friend...

Tuesday 24 December 2002

Tarot Reading for a prominent E2 denizen, who shall remain nameless at his/her request.   

<<<<Disclaimer, I am TOTALLY plagiarizing snips of the descriptive material below 
from Joan Bunning who is a true goddess of tarot1 >>>>>>>>>

G'day my friend.

Shall we danse?

I'm ready when you are.

I have before me the twenty two Major Arcana cards of the Rider-Waite tarot deck. They are arranged in a single deck, in order from Zero, The Fool, to Twenty One, The World. The back of the deck is a blue and black plaid. Almost tartan. The deck sits on the polished golden oak surface of my desk. We're in my office, with lots of books and computers all around.  Keith Jarrett, Koln Concert is playing on the stereo.  Outside, the snow has all melted.   I'd like you to picture that clearly in your mind. Okay?

Do you have a question in mind?  It generally results in a significantly more powerful reading if you state the question out loud.  That said, if you want to keep it to yourself, that's okay too. 

I do - is it necessary to share it?

Fraid so darlin. This is a trust & commitment moment.

i Just wondered, is all

Where is my life going and will I be happy? Or is that too general?

No, that's perfect. In fact it's what most people ask. If you want to narrow it down a bit, you'll get more focused results. Your call.

Glad it's a good enough question - I'll stay with it please.

Handling the Cards

Now we'll handle the cards to arrange them in a way that resonates with your unique life and sheds some light on your question. Since you don't have a deck, I'll be the hands and you be the brain. Okay? This is the part where you take a glance at How to throw the tarot for ideas on Handling the Cards, then you tell me exactly what to do for awhile. Doesn't that sound like fun?

Now I'm going to deal out the cards face up into piles and you're going to tell me which pile each card goes in. Make as few or as many piles as you want. Really concentrate on the imagery, but don't stress. Don't make a "Map" or anything, just relax and free flow on the topic. Be your quirky unique self. The bruja says, "let the cards know what you feel about them and let them answer back. What "goes together?"  Also, let me know if you want any of the cards to be put in their pile "upside down."

Along the way, I'm going to explain the mythology of The Fools Journey. Okay?

<<<<<This transcript has been truncated for brevity.
To see an example of a complete reading transcript,
take a look at the first reading in Online Tarot Reading.   >>>>

The Fool The Magician and The High Priestess The Empress The Emperor 

Now distribute the first few cards

So, tell me where the first cards should go?  Remember, as many or as few piles.  Pile 0 is at my left.

The first card is The Fool,  Pile One obviously. 

The next is the magician Where does it go, right, left, on top of The Fool? All directions are your directions - i.e., left = your left.

Fool pile 2, Magician 2, Empress 1, Emperor 2

The Fool's Journey continues...

The Hierophant The Lovers The Chariot 

Where do these cards go?

Hierophant 2, Lovers 3, Chariot 3 (reversed)

Strength The Hermit Wheel of Fortune  

Where do these cards go?

Strength 1, Hermit 3, Wheel 3

Justice The Hanged Man  

Where do these cards go?

Justice 1, Hanged Man 3

Death Temperance The Devil Tower  

Where do these cards go?

Death 1, Temperance 0, Devil 1, Tower 1

The Star The Moon The Sun 

Where do these cards go?

Star 4, Moon 3, Sun 3.

Judgment The World  

The Fool has experienced life as full and meaningful. The future is filled with infinite promise. In line with his personal calling, he becomes actively involved in the world. He renders service by sharing his unique gifts and talents and finds that he prospers at whatever he attempts. Because he acts from inner certainty, the whole world conspires to see that his efforts are rewarded. His accomplishments are many and his Journey has been a long and full one.. 

Now, where do those last cards go?

Judgement 4, World in pile 2.

Well done.  Now tell me how to assemble the piles back into a deck?  Smooch together, or carefully stacked up, your call.  Don't forget upside down if that feels right.

bottom to top, 23140

Good call!.  

I have assembled the deck and placed if face down on the polished surface of my desk.  Joni Mitchell is playing softly, Ladies of the canyon.  Outside the temperature is almost pleasant, perfect for a Christmas Eve walk later.  The sun is shining down on the deep blue surface of Buzzards Bay.  The pond across the street is still frozen, but looking a bit juicy on top. 

Ready to continue? 

I want you to quickly help me shuffle the deck again, this time face down into as many piles as you choose. Pile 0 is at my left, 2,3,4... whatever are beyond it.  Quickly now, send me 20 card positions...

Break the deck into three, each larger than the one before. 

As you wish.

Distribute the cards from the first stack fairy evenly between the other two. 

As you wish.

Now make your four stacks by random dealing. 

As you wish. For some reason, lots of cards ended up in pile two.

Turn the third stack from your left upside down and consolidate the cards. Deal the cards out into four stacks in twos

If you need to turn some more upside down, do it with the first on your left.

As you wish. Oddly, I didn't want to turn anymore upside down.

How should I reassemble the deck this time?


Complete the Handling

This is the part where I ask you if you'd like to do one last touch. It can range from a simple tap on the top of the deck, to a full on five pile upside downer kludge. Most people just cut the deck somehow. Dig really deep and let the right action come into your mind. Flow, don't flail...

Just take the top 5 cards and slip them in randomly please, going from top to bottom

As you wish. 

The Celtic Cross Spread

There are a bunch of different patterns that Readers use, to get the cards on the table, so to speak.  Old gypsy ladies sometimes just lay them out one by one, in a row, reciting the reading as they go.  There's also a Yin & Yang spread and a Medicine Woman Circle that la bruja  prefers.  I feel most comfortable with the Celtic Cross so that's what we'll use here.

NOTE: For more info on the Celtic Cross in  How to throw the tarot

I'm turning over the first card and laying it on the table without changing it's orientation.  All cards are "face up," if they appear that way to me.

I Turn over the second card and place it over the first card horizontally, creating the "inner cross.

Starting at the bottom of the cross, closest to me, I deal cards the next four cards as follows to form the "outer cross," 

3 - bottom

4 - top

5 - left

6 - right.


To the right of the two crosses, in a vertical line starting at the bottom, I deal the last four cards, 7,8,9,10. This is the "staff."

It looks something like this: 


The Interpretation

Here's your spread. Write it down, then go get a glass of water (wine? do you drink?) The hard part is over for now and we could both use a break. 

We’ll interpret it in a minute.

Your Celtic Cross spread on 24 December, 2002 

1. Emperor

2. Magician

3. The Lovers (reversed)

4. Chariot

5. Hermit

6. The Moon (reversed)

7. The Hanged Man

8. The Wheel of Fortune

9. The Sun

10. The World

Card One, the heart of the matter.

This card represents the fundamental issue you are addressing. It seems to be all about the Emperor, which usually represents protecting and defending, creating order out of chaos, creating and sticking to the plan. Sounds like being a single parent kind of thing.

Does that resonate?

At this point in my life, being the best parent I can be is about duty, not happiness. It may work, but only if I push it. On the other hand, I nurture all over the place. My children, my mother, my partner, strangers on the bus, sometimes. Even E2 newbies. I wish to be lazy and chaotic, but in general I am ordered and "correct"

Card Two, the opposing factor.

This is what's getting in the way at the moment. It might also be thought of as the factor for change, or unbalancing force that is surprising you. The Magician usually signifies Taking Action, Concentrating, having singleness of purpose. In my life, it represents experiencing power, like a *real* magician. Being capable of making things happen. So being the commander and chief as a single mom and daughter. Might be the story so far. Maybe all the things you have to do for everyone is "Opposing" your progress? Resonant?

... *having* to have power, wielding power being necessary - that works.

Card Three, that which is beneath you.

Your gut instinct about all the issue. The Lover's pretty much are what they are. Relating, forming a union or marriage, being sexual, seeking a union. The Lover's are upside down in your spread, so we'd assume they aren't completely realized or consummated. Sounds like your gut isn't completely happy with this aspect of her life, or that it hasn't gone as far as it can, or is on the way out...

Card Four, the conscious influence.

What your head is telling you about it. The Chariot in your head is more of the same. You drive your chariot using your head. Soccer mom, good daughter, Santa... Drive that SUV baby!

Card Five, the past.

A receding behavior or influence. The Hermit is all about being introspective, thinking things over, searching for greater understanding, and, you'll gonna smile, being a mentor... Since this card addresses the Past, perhaps you are going to do a little less of this in the future than you have done in the past. Is mentoring a big part of your world? Is it going to continue to be?

E2 mentoring has never been a huge part of my life. Looking after people in general is, but that's not really the same thing, is it. Any other ideas on this?

Yup, loads more ideas. We keep trying until we hit the one that resonates. Now remember, this is something that is receding into the past, something you are letting go of.

being introspective, thinking things over, focusing inward, concentrating less on the senses, quieting yourself, looking for answers within, needing to understand, searching, seeking, greater understanding, looking for something, wanting the truth at all costs, going on a personal quest, needing more, desiring a new direction, receiving/giving guidance, going to/being a mentor, accepting/offering wise counsel, learning from/being a guru, turning to/being a trusted teacher, being helped/helping, seeking solitude, needing to be alone, desiring stillness, withdrawing from the world, experiencing seclusion, giving up distractions, retreating into a private world, 

Which terms ring a bell?

Card Six, the future.

The emerging influence, behavior or factor. The Moon. I guess you turn into a Luna-tick. Not entirely kidding here, Luna is very powerful, and usually pleasant, but *really* spacey. The future may hold some of these kinds of things believing illusions, chasing or opening up to a fantasy, entertaining unusual thoughts. Moonlight can be very bright, but sometimes plays tricks on your eyes... The Moon is reversed, suggesting that the influence of the Moon is either waxing or waning rather than fully realized at the moment. Card six is the immediate future, so maybe Luna's just not here yet. In connection with Card Five, the picture is one of emerging from Hermit hood, introspection and solitude and entering the hazy and mysterious, but wonderful influence of Luna.

Card Seven, you, as you see yourself.

Your overall perspective on yourself and the issue at hand. The Hanged Man doesn't mean what you think it means. He's a guy hanging comfortably upside down with a big smile on his face. He's not dying, just hanging out. It generally indicates stuckedness, whether happily or unhappily, you're just lodged in your place. This is how you see yourself at the moment, or it's the situation you find yourself in. Mommy? daughter? Partner? Not to put too fine a point on it or anything.

Card Eight, you, as other's see you.

Your current environment, or the context in which you must operate. The Wheel indicates chance, spinning the wheel and taking what you get, taking a chance on something you aren't sure of, whether you choose to take it, or are forced by an outside influence. Who sees you this way? I sort of do, but only in own selfish context.

Here are some other ideas. Which, if any have legs? Feeling a sense of destiny, using what chance offers, seeing life's threads weave together, finding opportunity in an accident, opening to luck, sensing the action of fate, witnessing miracles, being at a turning point, reversing, moving in a different direction, turning things around, having a change in fortune, altering the present course, being surprised at a turn of events

Card Nine, your guidance card.

Your clue to how best to proceed, or what you might do. The Sun is a wonderful warm card, with a happy babe basking on the back of a huge white horse while the benevolent sun shines down on all. As a guide card, it indicates a need for the clear bright light of day, seek clarity.

And that only leaves card 10, The World. I've got some good news for you here.

Card Ten, the outcome.

The most likely result or outcome. The World is a very special card in that it's the last one in the series and represents sort of a culmination of the Fool's Journey. If you believe in reincarnation, this is sort of the Godhead card. You made it all the way to the end of life's path. And, best of all, you get to start all over again because the card that comes after The World is The Fool.

This is also a little special to me in that The World is a card that invariably appears in my readings for myself. Teri says that I'm an old soul who is delighted at the prospect of playing the fool all over again.

Anyway, in your reading, I'd bet that The World indicates that her future holds integration and an experience of wholeness that brings all the parts together. You'll realize your goals and accomplish your mission and see your dreams come true.

I'm happy for you my friend.

Any Questions?

Thank you very much - That was interesting. I will have many questions, but I will have to ask them at a later point.  I'm being shown all the cool stuff Santa brought right now..Deary me...

Somewhere in a burst of glory
Sound becomes a song
I'm bound to tell a story
That's where I belong.

-paul simon

Run along now mum. You've got a Christmassss party to attend to.

The Journey never really ends does it?

Saturday 25 January 2003

Tarot Reading for our beloved momomom, who kindly
consents to share this with us.

<<<<Disclaimer, I am TOTALLY plagiarizing snips of the descriptive material below 
from Joan Bunning who is a true goddess of tarot 1>>>>>>>>>

G'day my friend.

Shall we danse?

Yes, lets begin.

I have before me the twenty two Major Arcana cards of the Rider-Waite tarot deck. They are arranged in a single deck, in order from Zero, The Fool, to Twenty One, The World. The back of the deck is a blue and black plaid. Almost tartan. The deck sits on the polished golden oak surface of my desk. We're in my office, with lots of books and computers all around.  There is music playing, George Winston's piano masterpiece, December

Oh yeah, there's also a huge crystal ball sitting on the back of the desk perched on it's little teak base.  As a lovely serendipity, the box for my tarot deck was tossed behind the ball, so that the magnified and distorted face and shoulders of The Magician fill the globe of the crystal ball from top to bottom, side to side.  Prophetic, eh?

I'd like you to picture all that clearly in your mind. Okay?  

OK, got that, lovely room, neat crystal ball.  done reading

Do you have a question in mind?

It generally results in a significantly more powerful reading if you state the question out loud.  That said, if you want to keep it to yourself, that's okay too.  

Yes, I do. It is related to our early discussions about the "empty nest". Since it this will be coming up shortly for me I am wondering what is next? Where do I focus all the energy I've put into parenting for what will be 25 years when my "baby" leaves for college?

Excellent question!  Right then, here we go...

Handling the Cards

Now we'll handle the cards to arrange them in a way that resonates with your unique life and sheds some light on where it's going and whether you'll be happy. I'll be the hands and you be the brain. Okay? This is the part where you take a glance at How to throw the tarot for ideas on Handling the Cards, then you tell me exactly what to do for awhile. Doesn't that sound like fun?

Now I'm going to deal out the cards one at a time, face up into piles and you're going to tell me which pile each card goes in. Make as few or as many piles as you want. Really concentrate on the imagery, but don't stress. Don't make a "Map" or anything, just relax and free flow on the words. 

Be your quirky unique self. My bruja says, "let the cards know what you feel about them and let them answer back. What "goes together?"  Also, let me know if you want any of the cards to be put in their pile "upside down."

Along the way, I'm going to explain the mythology of The Fool's Journey. Okay?

OK, I took at look at your how to throw w/u and bruja. What's a bruja1? no w/u no answer in

By upside down, do you mean tartan up or feet up head down?

I'm going to deal the cards face upwards, so we can see them.  "Upside down" means so that the writing on the card is upside down, feet up as you put it.  

So, here we go, The Fool's Journey...

<<<<<NOTE: This transcript has been truncated for brevity.
To see an example of a complete reading transcript,
take a look at the first reading in Online Tarot Reading.   >>>>

The Fool At the start of his trip, the Fool is a newborn - fresh, open and spontaneous. The figure on Card 0 has his arms flung wide, and his head held high. He is ready to embrace whatever comes his way, but he is also oblivious to the cliff edge he is about to cross. The Fool is unaware of the hardships he will face as he ventures out to learn the lessons of the world. 

The Magician and the High Priestess,The Empress, The Emperor 

Now distribute these first few cards

So, tell me where the first cards should go?  Remember, as many or as few piles.  Pile 0 is at my left.

The first card is The Fool,  Pile One obviously. 

The next is The Magician Where does he go, right, left, on top of The Fool? All directions are your directions - i.e., left = your left.

The Fool - The Empress - The Emperor - three piles left to right. On top of the The Empress is The High Priestess and on top of the Emperor is The Magician.


The Fool's Journey continues...

The Hierophant, The Lovers ,The Chariot 

Where do these cards go?

The Hierophant on top of The High Priestess - The Lovers on top of The Fool - The Chariot on top of the Magician.

Everybody "Right Side Up" so far?

Yes, everybody right side up so far.

Strength ,Hermit ,Wheel of Fortune  

Where do these cards go?

Strength on top of The Lovers - Wheel of Fortune on top of The Hierophant - Hermit on top of The Magician upside down.

As you wish...

Justice, Hanged Man  

Where do these cards go?

Justice on top of Strength - The Hanged Man on top of Justice.

Death, Temperance, Devil, Tower 

Where do these cards go?

Death on top of The Hanged Man - Devil on top of The Wheel of Fortune - Temperance on top of the Hermit - Tower on top of The Wheel of Fortune.

I mean Tower on top of Devil.

Tower on top of the Devil, got it.

Star, Moon, Sun

Where do these cards go?

Star on top of Hanged Man - Moon on top of Devil - Sun on top of Moon

Judgment, World The Fool reenters the World, but this time with a more complete understanding. He has integrated all the disparate parts of himself and achieved wholeness. He has reached a new level of happiness and fulfillment.

The Fool has experienced life as full and meaningful. The future is filled with infinite promise. In line with his personal calling, he becomes actively involved in the world. He renders service by sharing his unique gifts and talents and finds that he prospers at whatever he attempts. Because he acts from inner certainty, the whole world conspires to see that his efforts are rewarded. His accomplishments are many. 

Now, where do those last cards go?

Judgment on top of Moon - World on top of Judgment

Well done.  Now tell me how to assemble the piles back into a deck?  Smooch together, or carefully stacked up, your call?

OK, stack them with the pile on the right on top of the middle pile and then that combined pile on top of the pile on the left

As you wish.  

I have assembled the deck and placed if face down on the polished surface of my desk.  Linda Ronstadt is singing softly in the background, Canciones de mi Padre.  Outside the brilliant white sea ice is packed and crushed into a grotty chaos stretching all the way from Falmouth to New Bedford.  

Ready to continue? 

I want you to quickly help me shuffle the deck again, this time face down into as many piles as you choose. Pile 0 is at my left, 2,3,4... whatever are beyond it.  Quickly now, send me 20 deals...

5 piles, left to right, in orderly sequence, just keep repeating till done.

Done.  Several of the cards spun around upside down on the slick surface of the desk.  

As they landed is fine.  

How should I reassemble the deck this time?  I've got five piles...

OK - 5 piles smooch together.

Smooched it is then!

Complete the Handling

This is the part where I ask you if you'd like to do one last touch. It can range from a simple tap on the top of the deck, to a full on five pile upside downer kludge. Most people just cut the deck somehow. Dig really deep and let the right action come into your mind. Flow, don't flail...

Cut the combined pile fairly deep, say about 2/3s of the way down.


The Celtic Cross Spread

There are a bunch of different patterns that Readers use, to get the cards on the table, so to speak.  Old gypsy ladies sometimes just lay them out one by one, in a row, reciting the reading as they go.  There's also a Yin & Yang spread and a Medicine Woman Circle that la bruja  prefers.  I feel most comfortable with the Celtic Cross so that's what we'll use here.

NOTE: For more info on the Celtic Cross in  How to throw the tarot

I'm turning over the first card and laying it on the table without changing it's orientation.  All cards are "face up," if they appear that way to me.

I turn over the second card and place it over the first card horizontally, creating the "inner cross.

Starting at the bottom of the cross, closest to me, I deal cards the next four cards as follows to form the "outer cross," 

3 - bottom

4 - top

5 - left

6 - right.

To the right of the two crosses, in a vertical line starting at the bottom, I deal the last four cards, 7,8,9,10. This is the "staff."

It looks something like this: 


The Interpretation

Here's your spread. Write it down, then go get refresh my coffee The hard part is over for now and I need to regain the peaceful feeling. 

Your Celtic Cross spread on 23 January 2003, 

  1. The Devil
  2. Judgment
  3. The Wheel Of Fortune
  4. Temperance (reversed)
  5. The Chariot
  6. The Hanged Man
  7. The World
  8. Justice
  9. The Star
  10. Death

... having regained the peaceful feeling, we continue.

Card One, the heart of the matter. This card represents the fundamental issue you are addressing.  In your case, The Devil is the first card, complete with bat wings, stinky looking goat haunches and horns.  Chained to his blocky throne are The Lovers, bound together and to him by their ignorance.  Because ignorance rather than traditional evil is really the core of The Devil, it is often associated with freeing oneself from an old established habit or behavior pattern. Since this card represents the root of your question, we might posit that your "slavery," to the service of child rearing is about to end and your assignment is to break free of it and find out what happens next in your life.

Any comments on that one?    Just chime in with anything you want to comment on, okay?

Sounds good, Definitely a time for new behavior patterns. Makes sense.

Card Two, the opposing factor.  This is what's getting in the way at the moment.  It might also be thought of as the factor for change, or unbalancing force that is surprising you.  Your second card was Judgment, which, supports the idea of an emergence, or rebirth.  Judgment shows an angel blowing the clarion call to the world.  The dead have risen from their coffins and have their arms outstretched to the heavens, welcoming the judgment day.  Some phrases associated with Judgment: having a day of reckoning, wakening to possibilities, seeing everything in a new light, feeling drawn in a new direction.

Are we on the right track here?  

Certainly seem to be on the right track but how is this opposing?

Opposing only in the sense that the events unfolding aren't yet fully realized, you sense that judgment is at hand, but hasn't yet arrived.

Oh, I see "also the factor for change" like in a welcoming of change?

Card Three, that which is beneath you. Your gut instinct about the issue. The Wheel Of Fortune represents chance and change and destiny all in one.  The card shows a giant roulette wheel poised in the sky.  This is one of the few cards without a human figure on it, symbolizing that the wheel of fate is above human affairs.  Building on the ideas above, we'd suggest that in your gut you already know that change is in the air and are prepared for it.  Some phrases associated with The Wheel Of Fortune include:  seeing life's threads weave together, being at a turning point, altering the present course.

OK, seems very "on point".

Card Four, the conscious influence.  What your head is telling you about it. Temperance, reversed.  The only card in your spread that is reversed.  Temperance is associated with balance, equilibrium and health. In this time of change, we'd suggest that your conscious mind counsels moderation and cooperation.  After all, your kids aren't out of the nest yet, and in the mean time you are still responsible for keeping all the balls in the air.  

Laughs, indeed! What does it mean that card 4 is reversed?

Good question.  Generally a reversed card indicates that the energy cannot express freely, normally or completely because it is either: losing force and power, no longer appropriate or effective.  Maybe your wise counsel isn't being as carefully regarded as it once was?  Kids growing up and not taking you as seriously as you'd like them to?

Card Five, the past.  A receding behavior or influence.  The Chariot indeed!  We'd suggest that this one is simple, your soccer mom days are behind you kid.  If this was your recent past, we think you may be glad it's behind you.

Card Six, the future.  The emerging influence, behavior or factor.  The Hanged Man suggests that a period of stasis may be in your near future.  Perhaps the transition from your old life to your new one won't happen instantly.  The hanged man is suspended upside down by his foot.  His free leg is crossed comfortably and a golden halo lights up his smiling face.  He isn't upset, just stuck.  Some phrases associated with The Hanged Man: letting go, overturning old priorities, suspending action,  taking time to just be.

Card 6 is VERY apropos.

Card Seven, you, as you see yourself.  Your overall perspective on yourself and the issue at hand.  The World is sort of the Godhead card, the last card in the Major Arcana, the culmination of the Fool's Journey.  We suggest that you rightfully see yourself as having met most of life's challenges and triumphed over them.  You see yourself as up to the task at hand, a competent adult, parent, citizen.  The World is the end of the journey, and simultaneously the beginning of the next one.  The card after The World is The Fool, so perhaps you also have a sense of embracing the change that is soon to come. 

Hmmm, I'd sometimes question seeing myself as the "competent adult" but I do see a job well done as regards the kids.  And The Fool coming after is on target.

Card Eight, you, as others see you.  Your current environment, or the context in which you must operate. Justice has a sword in one hand and the scales of the law in the other.  Acting on ethical principles insisting on fairness, trying to do what is right. We'd suggest that your word is law in the family, and that you are generally perceived as a fair and balanced person.  This reading paints a remarkably consistent picture of you, is it accurate?

Yes, this is pretty accurate however my word as law has only been true while the kids are younger but less so and more as an advisor as they grow. I'm certainly not the law to my older 2 anymore.

Card Nine, your guidance card.  Your clue to how best to proceed, or what you might do. The Star shows a mature woman dipping water from a spring by the clear, cool reliable light of the heavens above.  A huge star is perched in the sky above her shoulders and a small bird is perched, ready to fly away in a tree behind her.  The star is a beautifully serene card symbolizing hope, inspiration and generosity.  As your guide card, we'd suggest that you would be well advised to look to the cool, calm inner light as you are buffeted by the upcoming changes in your life.  Take it easy and relax, things will likely work out well and there's no need for you to stress.  Don't worry, be hoppy.  Some phrases associated with The Star: having faith in the future,  looking forward to success,  counting your blessings,  seeing your way clear.

Card Ten, the outcome. The most likely result or outcome.  And here comes Death, the gaunt skeleton himself in black armor riding grimly away from the battlefield.  As the outcome of your reading, Death is exactly right.  The life that you have so masterfully led these many years is coming to a graceful end, as it should.  In the Medicine Woman Tarot deck, the image on the Death card is a glowing Sunset, symbolizing both the ending of the day and the simultaneous inevitability of the new day following close behind.  

So one chapter important chapter is soon to close behind you and you must use your clear inner light to guide you into the next one.  You will receive your Judgment Day and leave the current static ignorance behind you.  The days of forcefully driving your chariot through life will be finished as the Wheel of Fortune clicks to it's unpredictable fate.  You may experience some of the frustration and "stuckedness," of The Hanged Man as these changes unfold, but if you simply remain calm everything will resolve itself successfully.

Lovely.  Now, if only I can convince my kids I'm this perfect. <joke> This was a lot of fun. Thanks.


This is a "great," reading from a Tarot-practitioner perspective.  All perfectly consistent and nicely wrapped up.  It sort of fits together doesn't it?  

Does it address your question in a meaningful way?  

We can use more cards from your deck to elaborate on any card in the spread if you'd like...  This is often used to expand or sharpen the meaning of any individual card.

 I am still interested in which way I'll focus when the transition is over. I don't know how to ask that more specifically or if Tarot is valid for that sort of direct question.  It is quite reassuring in the "this is the way it is meant to be" aspect.

If you'd like to pick one of the cards specifically to "expand" Perhaps the Guide Card, The Star?

Yes, expand The Star. That would be good.

Oh, Yummy!  I've taken the next card from your deck and placed it on top of The Star, guess what?  The Lovers.  A warm and benevolent sun shines down over the shoulders of a blessing angel to warm the two lovers whose hands and arms are outstretched towards one another.  Here's the good news: feeling love,  getting closer, being intimate or sexual, experiencing desire, responding with passion, tapping into your inner energy.  I think your husband is about to get lucky!

Classic!  I reckon we're finished here eh?

Looks like a very good ending indeed.

As you wish my friend...

Want more?

How to throw the tarot

Online Tarot Readings

1Joan Bunning, my tarot guru: (Copyright © 1995-2003 by Joan Bunning)