(Also Edjo, Buto, Udjat, Uto, Uadjet, Uatchet)

"The Green One"
"The Fiery Eye"
"Protector of Horus"

Wadjet is an Egyptian goddess of protection, serving to protect the lands of her worshippers, the pharaoh and the royal family. She is depicted in this role as a cobra, a cobra with the head of a woman or a woman with the head of a cobra. Her image, mounted on headdresses as a uraeus, was said to spit fire at the enemies of her charges. She is also the divine representation of one half of the lands of Kemet, in conjunction with Nekhbet.

In her role as the “Eye of Ra” or “Eye of Divine Vengeance”, she is depicted as a lioness, or with the head of a lioness. In this form she represents justice and truth. Her function as an eyepiece is also evident in another myth where she was created by Atum, the first god of the universe, to find his lost sons. Wadjet found his children, and he was so overjoyed that he cried. His tears became the first humans, and as a reward to her, he placed Wadjet on his head in the form of a cobra, the first uraeus.

This goddess also is associated with childbirth, children, fertility and growth. She is one of the mythical mothers of the king, often shown breastfeeding him in the form of a cobra with a woman’s head. In some texts, papyrus is said to have sprang from Wadjet.

The time associated with Wadjet was the fifth hour of the fifth day of the month, or lunar cycle. Her fest day was April twenty-first.
