G'day all.

Today the printer brought along fifty gorgeous crisp issues of E2SENCE: The Magazine of E2. It's only 16 pages, but stuffed full with great nodes by such illustrious authors as Dannye, Myrkabah, doyle, Jet-Poop and many more. While spartan, I think the design has worked well, and I have to thank Oolong for some great suggestions. As stated before, this issue 0 is more proof of concept than anything. It was made to show that nodes can be transferred from one medium to the other without losing to much content and context.

To quote Albert Herring from a catbox remark he made:

"it's not a commercially viable proposition. At best it's some weird non-paying vanity press operation."

I am quite comfortable with that notion. If this goes down like a lead balloon, I will have lost a little bit of money but will have enough issues to stuff my waiting room full with them. If it works well and people want more (to give to their friends and relatives or sell them) and make this a regular thing that can be passed on to the real world (tm): even better.

Last point: how do you get them? Well, I checked with the local post office, and postage is ca 2 US$. So, for 2 bucks you'll be getting a lovely piece of print delivered to your doorstep. If you want one, send an email to e2sence@mac.com and I'll discuss the many ways you can pay the postage.

Again, thank you all for your help and great suggestions.
