The Dark Knight is your classic hero/villain movie, with one classic twist. You like the villain, not just because he entertains you, but because he is manically mesmerizing. Christian Bale returns as Bruce Wayne/Batman, giving adequate performance from his role. This “is what happens when an unstoppable force hits an immovable object,” best describes our clash between Batman and The Joker. They both refuse to kill each other, but for different reasons.

The film was released on July 18, 2008 in North America and July 24, 2008 in the United Kingdom. It has generated superb reviews, receiving an 82 from Metacritic, and averaged an 8.5/10.0 average from over 168 reviews. The Rolling Stones says The Dark Knight goes deeper than its predecessor in an epic tale. David Denby of The New Yorker does point out correctly, however, that the movie is in a constant climax, and is too long at 152 minutes.

Minimal Spoilers, but there are some

Posthumous Oscar

The Dark Knight could have been called The Joker. Heath Ledger gave an Oscar worthy performance, creating buzz of a posthumous Oscar award. His role as The Joker will be remembered as one of the most memorable villains in recent cinematic history. His psychotic villain was as funny as a clown should be, and yet as evil as a butcher. He suited up in purple and green, with white makeup, and blood red enhanced lips – they come with scars. The Joker over shadowed everybody else in the film. It’s really quite sad that Heath Ledger won’t be playing any more Joker roles, nobody could ever top his performance. Our director, Christopher Nolan, clearly was inspired by The Joker. You clearly see this even from the introduction of the movie, which is so very catchy. If you miss it there, you’ll get numerous opportunities to hear a monologue from a crazy clown masquerading on Gotham City. He puts knives to people’s lips frequently. My favorite part is when he walks away from a building being blown up, wearing a peculiar costume.

Two Faced

Our “White Knight”, Harvey Dent, is turned into Two-Face, after half of his face is melted off. He flips a coin that has heads on both sides, but one side is now black, while the other is white after the accident. “Luck is the only fair justice,” overcomes Two-Face, but you’ll have to watch the movie for that spoiler. The luck element really adds to the movie, by the flip of a coin. The movie’s title was likely intended to emphasize the roll of our hero gone villain. “You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.” It’s the most telling line in the movie. Batman has his own hero identity crisis along the same lines. Michael Caine as Alfred Pennyworth even admits he doesn't want to see Batman put down the suit. But our hero finally realizes he was never a hero, but rather an outcast. This way, he could never become a villain in the first place.


Batman sees some new gadgets in this movie. In Batman Begins he couldn’t turn his head. With his new suit, he isn’t as bulletproof, but he is dogproof. We see Batman drive a tank, a motorcycle that could also called a tank, which detaches from… his tank. He also gets picked up by an airplane. Not walking up some steps into an aircraft, not that type of pickup. Rather, he was standing next to a broken window, and tosses into the air a device that gets hooked by the plane, and he goes flying into the air. Batman also has some shootable crooked spikes that come in very handy.


The following is definitely a spoiler or two.

Gotham is a city full of villains. Corrupted cops, judges, and the mafia. Somehow even The Scarecrow makes a quick appearance towards the beginning of the movie. Harvey Dent is in the process of cleaning up the mess, and Batman almost retires to pursue his love for Rachel Dawes. Dent, also in love with Dawes, makes a gentle suggestion of marriage himself, but that of course is interrupted by The Joker. After The Joker corrupts Harvey Dent into Two-Face, Batman realizes he will never be just Bruce Wayne. He then proves to The Joker that he is truly incorruptible, which leads us to an interesting paradox.

Okay, so what does our introduction quote really refer to? This “is what happens when an unstoppable force hits an immovable object.” Batman has two opportunities to kill The Joker. One where he is driving his motorcycle-tank directly at The Joker and he dodges at the last second, allowing The Joker to win chicken by merely standing. The other is when Batman throws The Joker off a building, and he shoots his rope endowed device to save him. The Joker won’t kill Batman either; in fact, he saves Batman from losing his identity. He tells the city to either kill the rat in sixty minutes, or he’ll blow up a hospital. One last telling moment of the movie is where The Joker loads explosives onto two ferries fleeing Gotham. One boat is full of citizens. The other boat is full of convicted felons. He gives each ferry a device to blow up the other, and gives them fifteen minutes to take action, or he’ll blow both ferries up. It hits midnight, but neither boat blows up! The Joker is frustrated because he was certain. But what he doesn’t know is a convict talks the security guard in charge of the button into giving it to him, only to throw it out the window. While on the other boat, they hold a ballot, with an overwhelming majority in favor of pressing the button – only to find out no one could press it. Batman saves the day and prevents The Joker from finishing the task.

Batman - the immovable object, incorruptible.
The Joker - the unstoppable force, bringer of anarchy.