Napoleon Bonaparte died on May 5, 1821 at 17:49, in Sainte-Hélène island. Next day, Antommarchi -the personal Napoleon's doctor- performed the necropsy in presence of several British military surgeons. It was diagnosed, as cause of his death, gastric cancer. One of the doctors noticed his liver was swollen, but such a circumstance was ordered to be kept under secret: a possible hepatitis, being endemic in that island, might be confered to negligence of those who had confined Bonaparte to Sainte-Hélène.

(In 1995, the FBI Chemical and Toxicologic Department published a report in relation with "the extremely high amount of arsenic trioxide -a hepatotoxic agent -in Napoleon's hair samples").

It has been said that no organs were removed from the corpse, but this does not seem to be true. While Dr. Antommarchi was examining that body, Vignali -a Corsican chaplain to whom Napoleon had insulted telling "he was impotent" -asked him to cut the male organ. The doctor did it, and the penis was kept for many years by Vignali family.

(In 1999 such an organ was sold in a Christie's auction. John Lattimer, an US urologist, became the new owner, having paid $4,000 for it. In accordance with his observations, the penis size was 4.1 cm, and "could" have increased to a maximum of 6.6 cm in lenght when excited).

The amorous live of Napoleon was fraught of infidelities. The greatest infidel woman was his first and most loved spouse, Marie Joséphe Rose de Beauharnais, who lived in shameless adultery nearly to her death. Desirée Clary, Pauline Fourès, Leonor Dernelle de la Plaigne, and Marie Louise of Austria, his second wife when divorced from Joséphine, are another examples of unfaithfulness and lack of perseverance.

(In 1806 Bonaparte decreed a continental blockade against the Great Britain. To press the Tzar Alexander, who was contrary to such a measure, Napoleon invaded Poland, where he met Maria, the young spouse of Count Walewski. Regarding the case of this woman, she seemed to possess the highest degree of fidelity when compared with the other Napoleon's lovers). The Polish historiography, however, insists on the fact that she sacrificed herself by her country, hopefully waiting for an independence declaration from Napoleon.

According to the above mentioned anatomical features, it would be reasonable to consider that the lack of Napoleon's attractiveness for women could be secondary not only to his intricate personality.