I am a man, and I like breasts. I have to believe that there is something inherent about liking breasts, something so rooted to my essence as to be undefined.
Example: Men (me, at any rate) look at the breasts of unattractive women. It doesn't matter how god-awful fugly the beast is, every single one of us will glance at her chest. I quite honestly can't help it.
There are times I wish I could. I was with some family friends at their swimming pool recently. The daughter is very pretty, with an impressive pair of breasts. This is of course unacceptable to me, to be attracted to my friend's daughter. Worse yet, she is only fifteen. I am not a pervert! The entire evening was ruined for me because of my instinct to look at the young girl's breasts.

To conclude: Men like breasts because they have to. It is hardwired into the brain. We have no control over it.
I am sorry, everything-ettes, but that's the way it is.