The Advanced Placement standardized tests are enormous exams written, administered, and scored by the College Board, a curious and distant entity which wields quite a lot of power. The AP tests are usually given in the United States. In other countries the International Baccalaureate is used. In American high schools, many classes, especially for seniors, have "AP" prepended to the name, to indicate that this class will simply consist of studying for the AP test at the end of the year. Wih luck, you will score a 3 or above, which in most schools will give you class credit, permitting more time to sleep in and goof off... AHEM... diverge into subjects which interest you more.

AP Courses:

Note that a lot of these have not yet been noded. They should be! For more info see . How appropriate is is that the College Board's site ends in .com, not .org?

AP Stories and advice:

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