Two of his most famous paintings are probably "Daybreak" and "Ecstasy." Daybreak features naked young girl leaning over an older woman who seems to be awakening, they are between two large columns and there is a large lake or sea with mountains in the background. Ecstacy is a lone woman standing on a rock outcropping above a calm lake. Her blue dress and hair are billowing in the wind. The sun is on her face and the white billowy clouds in the sky seem immense.

While there are many good prints of Parrish works, I have never seen one that does justice to "Daybreak." I was fortunate to see the original at a retrospective of his at the Parrish Family Trust in Stockbridge Mass. The vividness of the image is amazing and the detail in the background is subtle and amazing, this area is washed out on every print I've seen and really ruins the completeness of the image. Some decent scans are availible at :