Far too many node ideas, and too little motivation. The attention span of a hyperactive toddler with a bag of red frogs. Brain too busy thinking, questioning, obsessing.....

One of these days I will node Impartial's guide to cane fields in far North Queensland, Chatting with cane toads and Mud is only fun when getting clean is an option. Pithy observations on the pros, cons and disappointments of not shaving my legs or underarms for a month and sexy, clean factuals about Tully, Ingham and The big mudcrab will follow.

Then it will all go downhill.
Bleakness, confusion and self-doubt.
Career questioning.
Life issues.
The odd, intentionally gruesome medical node.
Overly personal (possibly drunken) w/us in dodgy-relationship type nodes.
A barrage of daylogs weeping over the fact that my life is shit, I'm a fucking headcase with a giant tub of angst and this is not a relationship, it's a series of anecdotes.
Cut n'pastes of song lyrics that seem incredibly meaningful to me so fuck you all at the time.

But this too shall pass.
This too shall pass
This too shall goddamn pass.....