I'd like to preface this by saying that I do not advocate the use of drugs. This is simply informational, summing up my reflections on my personal experiences.

Now after many years have passed since I first consumed a psychedelic - or entheogen as I prefer to call these compounds - I have found these materials to be the most useful tool for the study of the psyche or mind, and for exploring the spiritual realm and interpersonal dimensions. I know my active fellow journeyers and travelers feel the same.

Yet I have wondered why most of the people who have had psychadelic experiences cease those experiences often by their thirtieth birthday. Furthermore, why do so many of those same folds - even those who would define their experiences as good -get freaked out when their kids want to trip? What's going on here?

My own nonscientific examination of this problem has led me to conclude that at some point most of these ex-trippers had psychedelic experiences which violated the ethos of tripping and left them with less-than-desirable experiences and more wary of them. Often these folks begin to condemn the materials (just as the authorities do) instead of coming to terms with the fact that it was their use- their mode of utilizing psychadelics that was problematic. It is difficult if not impossible for our society to have psychedelic teachers and elders as our culture is so condemning of the desire to explore the psychedelic headspace. And without these elders, we haven't deceloped rituals of conduct for psychedelic exploration - a code of tripping. In an effort to create better entheogenic and psychadelic experiences, better integrated in our lives, I suggest the following Trippin' Code:

Always prepare yourself and always trip with the mentally prepared
This is number one and cannot be stressed enough. Reflect on what you want from the experience and make the appropriate plans for achieving the practice. Beginning trippers often experience only fun and joviality, but experienced trippers know that a deeper realm emerges. Psychedelics allow the veil of the mind to be pulled back for a peek underneath. Be prepared.

Always journey in a safe and secure setting -- a legally safe place, a mentally safe place and a physically safe place.
Be careful where you consume psychedelics. Unusual and odd behavior can get a lot of unwanted attention in the wrong setting. Dealing with a cop while high is a MOST unpleasant experience. Trip with those whom you desire interaction with and avoiding those for whom trust is an issue. Trip in a physically safe place - dont decide to go rock climbing!

Use an appropriate dose - no hero doses!
Hero doses must be the most common reason for emergency room visits that could have been avoided. And emergency room visits give psychedelics a bad name.

Give approrpiate time and energy for reintegration
Have the next day off work to fully allow for reintegration. Eat exceptionally well. Pamper yourself with good food and mild excercise. Write about your experience and verbally share with a friend what you have assimilated.

Don't profane the materials!
Don't give materials to people to manipulate them. Don't share XTC just so someone will have sex with you. Be clean.

Respect entheogens and psychedelics
We need more future leaders.


Btw, if you have a disagreement, please message me. Some people have been attacking me on the grounds that I advocate drug use, which I personally don't feel I do. Please let me know your feelings on the matter.