You read that right. Bond. St. James Bond.

I don't know if the sign, prominently displayed at 1066 Avenue Road in Toronto, Ontario has actually caused accidents, but I know that any number of passers-by have been shaken, if not stirred, by the sight. Is this a joke? A desperate attempt to increase the size of the congregation? A really liberal denomination?

Located on Avenue near Willowbank just two blocks north of Eglinton, this "inclusive, energetic" (so says their website) United Church offers regular services, Sunday School, and general Christian fellowship.

In 1924, several Congregational Methodist and Presbyterian Churches voted to enter the United Church of Canada. Bond Street Congregational (1834-1925) voted in favour of that merger, which officially occurred in 1925. Later, Bond Street United moved to the present location due to the "overchurched" nature of the downtown Toronto area. St. James Square United also experienced loss of flock to other, nearby churches. They sold their property and merged with Bond Street. In 1929, with Ian Fleming 21 years old and his superspy another 23 years the future, St. James-Bond United was born. Despite the inevitable kidding, they have kept the name.

They've even boasted of holding a "license to preach."

Update: The church has since permanently closed.