A chess variant designed by Bobby Fischer, and an odd one at that.

Confronted by the possibility of computers overtaking human players and also confounded by a sharp decline in an interest in chess in the 1990's, Fischer came upon a way of enlivening the rules of the game so that interest would continue.

Basically, Fischerandom chess randomizes the placement of the home row of pieces on a game-by-game basis so that gameplay is as unique as possible.

There are other placement requirements - the bishops must start on opposite-colored squares, the king MUST be placed within the two rooks and castling is a tiny bit more complicated - but essentially the game plays like standard chess. The advantages are two-fold: computerized opponents have a difficult time coping with opening strategies when the board's initial position is the definition of uncertain (there are over 900 different legal opening home row combinations), and human players are conversely invigorated by the abrupt change in strategy.

While not played on a tournament level, Fischer random chess remains an important part of the chess pedagogy as the definition of 'out-of-the-box' thinking.